Thursday 13 December 2012

Questionnaire for Magazine advertisement

I am a media student creating a music video, I need to also make a magazine advertisement and would like you to tell me what you would like to see on my one.

1) Would you expect to see the same picture on the advertisement as the one on the cd cover ?
  • Yes
  • No
2) What would you expect to see on a magazine advertisement ? (pick 3)
  • Picture
  • Quotes from critics about the album
  • Title of the album being advertised
  • Name of the artist
  • Release date
3) If you said no to question 1 what sort of picture would you like to see on the poster?
  • Different image of the artist
  • Scenery
  • Picture of their concert
  • A long shot of the artist with a scenic background
4) If you chose a different image of the artist for question 3 what sort of shot would you like to see ?
  • Close up (head and shoulder shot)
  • Mid shot (middle to full body shot)
  • Long shot (whole body but rest of the scene shown in the photo)
5) What sort of make up would you like to see on the artist ?
  • Natural
  • Natural but definition around the eyes
  • Natural but definition of lips
  • Bold eyes and lips
  • Lots of make up in all areas of the face
  • Other ...............................................................
6) What sort of background would you like to see ?
  • Plain
  • Brightly coloured
  • Scenic
  • Other ................................................................


From these results I have a good idea on what my audience want to see on my magazine advertisement, so I am going to create my own magazine advertisement based on these.

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