Thursday 20 December 2012

Music video

I have made my music video and throughout the way got feedback from different sets of people on what they think I should add, change, shorten etc. I have got three stages with the comments I have been given and have written the nescessary changes I will make and changes I have made.

This was the first draft of my music video that i started to make I had not added music at this point but just started putting shots together. I showed this to group of students who gave me their feedback on it. The feedback mainly said that i needed to make the clips shorted and obviously the the music and vary the clips more often.

This is the second draft of my music video, I had taken on the feedback from the students and made the clips shorter, added more clips and added the music to it as it was what the audience wanted to see. I then showed this clip to another set of students who gave me feedback on my video. The feedback said that they wanted to see my actor performing the song not just the story line. They also said they wanted to see more clips within it and shorten certain clips.

This is my final draft version of my music video. I took on the feedback from the last part of my music video and decided to add some performance into it to break it up rather than just a storyline. I also shortened clips and added more in to keep the attention of the viewers so its not the same clip all the time. I tried to make sure that my performance pieces were lip synced and in time with the music. When i got feedback it was all mainly good apart from a few comments on that they might have liked to see a male actor within my music video and maybe be some more shorter clips. I decided not to take their advice because My music video was from the males perspective watching my female actress, so changing this would ruin the concept of my music video.

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