Monday 15 October 2012

Questionnaire and analysis of results

This was our questionnaire that we created together:

Hello we are Casey and Megan and we have chosen to use a cover of ‘Just a Dream’ for our music video. We would like you to listen to this song and answer the following questions to see what you would like to be included in our music video.

1) What 3 things come into your head when you listen to this song?




2) What colours would you like to see in our video? (Pick 3)

- Red

- Blue

- Yellow

- Grey/black/white

- Green

- Pink

3) Would you like the video to be a story or performance?

- Story

- Performance

4) If you chose story, what age would you like the actors to be?

- Under 16

- 16-20

- 20-25

- 25+

5) What kind of story would you like?

- Horror

- Love

- Comedy

- Action

6) What location would you like the video to be in? (Choose 2)

- Street

- House

- Park

- School

- Library

7) What would you prefer?

- Happy ending

- Sad ending

8) Where would you like the music video to begin?

- Inside

- Outside

9) Are there any more ideas you would like us to include in the video…please list below:


We gave our questionnaire out to 20 people and these were our findings.

This shows our results from our second question. this shows that the majority of people wanted to see grey/black/white in our music video. This shows that they would prefer dark, dull colours to convey the mood of the song.

This is the result of our third question which asked 'Would you prefer our music video to be a story or performance?' As you can see from the pie chart above that most people wanted to see a story rather than a performance. I think I will now probably make my music video as a story rather than a bit of both as more people wanted to see a story based video.



This pie chart shows the results of the question 'If you chose story what age would you like the actors to be?'. From this you can see a considerable amount of people chose 16-20 year old category with some choosing 20-25. No one chose the under 16 category or the 25+ category. This shows that the age group we aimed it at, wanted to see people from their same sorts of age groups in the music video. I think this is so they can relate to it better.

This is showing that after listening to the song about 65 percent of people want my music video to be a love story. This is good as I think love relates to the song well as it talks about being in love but as a dream. 

This pie chart shows what locations are preferred for our music video to be set in. This shows that people most liked the ideas of the setting of a house but mostly the street. I will use their input when filming my music video. 

This shows that after listening to the song that most people wanted it to be a happy ending at the end of my music video. I think this is because the audience want to aspire to have something like what is conveyed in the music video. I like the idea of having a happy ending and will use this for my music video.

As for this question asking where would people like the music video to start, the feedback was split as to which they would prefer. I think personally I want my music video to start inside but I will think about this more before I decide fully.

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