Thursday 25 October 2012

Filming plan

I am planning to do all of my filming over the half term. I am planning to use two of my friends James and Charlotte, if they fail to make it I have two back ups just in case. I will film no mater what the weather as it looks like real life so the weather doesn't matter.


I generally want my actors wearing casual clothes such as jeans. I want my male actor to be wearing jeans and a t shirt and suitable other wear such as if cold/ raining a coat and suitable footwear for all conditions. I want my female actress to have her hair straight and quite natural make up, I want her to be wearing dark coloured jeans and an appropriate casual top I would like her to either wear boots or converse so they are suitable for colder sorts of weather. A coat will also be needed as the weather will probably be cold.

I plan on filming my first few scenes and then stopping for a tea break where they can eat and I can brief them on the next part I want them to act. If it is raining I can improvise by adding umbrellas into my scenes outside so they don't get really cold and wet.

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