1) Would you expect to see the same picture on the advertisement as the one on the cd cover ?
- Yes
- No
- Picture
- Quotes from critics about the album
- Title of the album being advertised
- Name of the artist
- Release date
- Different image of the artist
- Scenery
- Picture of their concert
- A long shot of the artist with a scenic background
- Close up (head and shoulder shot)
- Mid shot (middle to full body shot)
- Long shot (whole body but rest of the scene shown in the photo)
- Natural
- Natural but definition around the eyes
- Natural but definition of lips
- Bold eyes and lips
- Lots of make up in all areas of the face
- Other ...............................................................
- Plain
- Brightly coloured
- Scenic
- Other ................................................................
From these results I have a good idea on what my audience want to see on my magazine advertisement, so I am going to create my own magazine advertisement based on these.
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